So I was watching the original Fullmetal Alchemist series for the past two weeks. Should i watch fullmetal alchemist or skip to brotherhood. The boys train under Izumi Curtis and show a keen interest and talent in magic. Its a completely different story after episode 19 , when the anime caught up … As a result, the anime went off into its own direction. This is the idea that matter can not be created or destroyed, just changed, if you have the right weird symbols (called transmutation circles) to add to the mix. -^_^-, You should totally watch FMA 2003 after brotherhood , the story is slower paced and there arent many fight scenes but there's a lot more character development and emotional scenes. Both series are excellent series, and in my opinion Brotherhood is an awesome anime that is worth watching. It's kinda problematic if you watch only Brotherhood cuz some important stuff gets skipped. It's not really worth it when Brotherhood is so much better. He’s introduced early on as one of the few people in the military who is inexplicably kind to Ed and Al. and character deaths were more meaningful in the original FMA anime. i finsihed fma along time ago. So when shit hits the fan, it makes a lot of sense that Ed shoulders the responsibility and burden of what they’ve done. Neither do we. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is one of the best shounen anime series out there, no matter who you are, what genre you belong to, this show is a go for everyone out there! The movies takes place after the series you just watched. Watch brotherhood to see the story the way the author actually intended. Close. It makes watching the shows feel contiguous rather than choppy. If they intend for you to weep, they won't just jerk a shed or two out of you (that scene above, in particular, is going to crush your heart into a million pieces). The first 20 episodes are sublime but viewers became divided when the '03 anime diverted into non-canon alternate storylines. But yeah. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is often called one of the best anime series ever produced. 8 years ago Do not skip the first 10 episodes of FMA Brotherhood either because there are some very slight changes that … (actually i'm about to watch the episode from yesterday after I finish typing) I wanted to try watching an actual Japanese anime and picked Fullmetal Alchemist since everyone said it's the best. I don't remember much of the earlier episodes. Fullmetal Alchemist Movie: The Conqueror of Shambala Fullmetal Alchemist: Blind Alchemist Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood Fullmetal Alchemist: Milos no Seinaru Hoshi Fullmetal Alchemist: Simple People Fullmetal Alchemist: Tales of the Master Orginial FMA … And it’s true. The original doesn't end all that satisfying either, although I would strongly suggest seeing the movie, Fullmetal Alchemist Movie: The Conqueror of Shambala afterwards for greater closure to the series. But this praise is usually associated with the series' second anime adaption, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, which was released in 2009 by studio BONES. While this is obvious given the gap between Fullmetal Alchemist and Brotherhood, one absolutely must commend the animation quality and fidelity of the latter for making every scene feel like a treat to watch.. (They take the “Alchemist, be thou for the people” motto very seriously in the 2003 anime.). They should be treated as seperate, Brotherhood is not a sequel or 'Part 2' to the first anime Should I watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood before Sacred Star of Milos? It takes a literal “what if” and changes the entire outcome of—well, everything. 7. That is, I love dubs that are just literally dubbing translations, not changing aspects of the story with the dialogue and cutting or censoring scenes (I’m looking at you, Yu-Gi-Oh!). Answer Save. You'll still get the whole story if you watch from 13 on, though. Posted by 8 months ago. In my opinion? The original show isn't bad, but it's so lost in its own convoluted story and miserably dark shift towards the end. Because there’s no alkahestry in the 2003 anime, they have some wiggle room in what alchemy can do. Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReport Ad. They both decide to try to bring their mom back, and they are both willing and complicit in their actions. Are they the same thing or are they different or do they follow each other (sequel)? I would watch Brotherhood. Question. The State certification exams happen only once or twice a year and involve a set of written and practical examinations. I turn 35 tomorrow and I feel like I haven't accomplished anything in my life. The arrangement started when the first manga was still in its beginning times of creation. The homunculi are really what make the 2003 anime. I never bought into the “Ed’s so great he gets a private audience with the Führer!” idea and that he’s accepted basically because he can do a transmutation without a circle. I've watched the first 5 episodes and so far i'm really enjoying it. For those who are new on the Fullmetal Alchemist train, let me explain the series. Naseem Jamnia is a non-binary, queer, Muslim nerd, formerly a neuroscientist, who spends their days writing, baking, and playing video games. Full Metal Alchemist. If you only want to hear the original story, you should watch the first 25 episode of FullMetal Alchemist first, then start the entire FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood series. You're browsing the GameFAQs Message Boards as a guest. Archived. In Brotherhood, towards the end, I got the sense that basically anything concerning humans in alchemy is considered human transmutation. Still, the 2003 anime has a special place in my heart for starting off like an anime you expect and going to really weird, really wonderful places. Best Small Press, Indies, & Webcomics of 2020! It is better to understand the basics of the story first than to suddenly jump on the movie. Anyway, in the 2003 anime, people don’t put it together so quickly. I just think it's best to watch the original story (the story followed in Brotherhood) first. After watching Brotherhood and going back to FMA03, the 03 series just looks painfully incomplete compared to it. Full Metal Alchemist. The original adaptation. 2. With a live action film coming out in December in Japan, old fans may be rewatching the series, and newbies might be debating the best place to start. Yes, you should watch it. I have seen the original FMA and Conqueror of Shamballa, but I have not seen Brotherhood (yet) But I want to know if it matters that I haven't seen Brotherhood before watching this second movie. Should i watch fullmetal alchemist or skip to brotherhood. If you only want to hear the original story, you should watch the first 25 episode of FullMetal Alchemist first, then start the entire FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood series. Now, all of that being said, for God’s sake, if you haven’t seen Brotherhood already, you should. However, there are some stark differences between FMA and FMAB, and because of it I couldn't really get into Brotherhood. That's another thing about 2k3 vs. Brohood. I think everyone, even non-anime fans, needs to get into this series. I suppose you could say that Envy bordered on complex, too. If you're going to watch both, then you should probably watch the original Fullmetal Alchemist first. Also, Ed literally threatened the life of the Führer and walked away. So I'd say watch it if you really want more Full Metal Alchemist. I watched Full Metal Alchemist before FMA: Brotherhood came out, and I loved it. If the writers and artists want you to laugh, they will guarantee that you snicker at even the silliest of moments. He’s literally always there for them no matter what, and he dies halfway through the show instead of towards the beginning. While none of these are particularly important (except for Youswell, kind of), it’s still pretty neat to watch the Elrics build themselves up as a hero of the people. Personally, I like that the alchemy is very scientifically based and found that the somewhat magical nature of the 2003 anime’s strange. Also since the movie was after the Brotherhood series ended. In fact, it’s so different that it feels like the most AU thing of the whole series. They have a weekly essay series on growing pains and feminism called the Tuesday Telegrams, at Imagine a world in which “magic,” a science called alchemy, operates on equivalent exchange. Literally right before they try to transmute their mother, Al again turns to Ed and questions if it’s the right idea. Eh, honestly watch the original show up to about 13 episodes. Do not skip the first 10 episodes of FMA Brotherhood either because there are some very slight changes that were made within those 10 episodes. 10 Reasons Why You Should Watch the Original Fullmetal Alchemist Series, With so many subplots unfolding within the series, voice actor for Scar is the same as Handsome Jack, Beyond the Metaphor: Marvel’s Long Forgotten Trans Mutant, The Most Important Motherhood Story In Comics Happened Last Year (And You Probably Missed It), Crystal is the Worst Person in the Inhuman Royal Family, Change My Mind (You Can’t). If you're not already aware, Fullmetal Alchemist has a mostly anime-only plot whereas Brotherhood is a near-perfect adaption of the manga. This whole process is fleshed out much better in the 2003 anime. Brotherhood follows the manga more closely and therefore I personally feel should be watched first and then maybe going to watch the original, I made the mistake of watching the original first and I cried, there will never be closure for that and it is an open wound in my heart. I watched FMA, FMAB, the movies, the OVA's...i am soooooo obsessed. As a result, some of them become really fascinating characters in their own right. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is often called one of the best anime series ever produced. As a result, you don't have to watch the movie or the 1st series before you watch Brotherhood. Should i watch fullmetal alchemist or skip to brotherhood. In becoming a “dog of the military,” Ed and Al hope to uncover secrets of alchemy that wouldn’t be available to an everyday alchemist. In Brotherhood, Al is in it to win it, and Ed transmuting his soul to the armor looks a lot more like he managed to save him, rather than managed to salvage him. There's some minor stuff they skip in Brotherhood that helps give you frame of reference for later stuff they talk about. Just to be clear, there are two Fullmetal Alchemist shows; the first is Fullmetal Alchemist released in 2003, the other is Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, released in 2009.The 2003 version portrayed a small portion of its source material, the manga, but then diverges to tell its own story (still worth a watch due to its unique storyline). © 2021 GAMESPOT, A RED VENTURES COMPANY. Because of this, fans have debated for years as to when and if people should watch the 2003 anime. Brotherhood assumes you’ve already watched the original FMA, and so it kinda speeds through or skips the first couple of arcs, some of which were quite emotional. I never understood how alchemists were supposed to know the consequences. It is accepted to be nearer to the manga and follows the first occasions of the manga. If you're going to watch the 2003 anime then I'd suggest doing so before Brotherhood, due to slower pacing and filler it felt less enjoyable second time around right after I'd seen Brotherhood … With a live action film coming out in December in Japan, old fans may be rewatching the series, and newbies might be debating the best place to start. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Because after he dies it totally goes off from the original. Although I was disappointed in Brotherhood's plot towards the end of the show, I didn't have any trouble watching 5-7 episodes a day until I finished it. I am really nervous about the upcoming live action (especially given everything that’s happened to Death Note). In 2k3, the Sins were invincible, full stop, unless you presented them with their weak-ass Achilles' Heel. I suggest you watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood first. 7. 1. Also, I find that Full Metal Alchemist explained some things in more detail so that helped when it came to me watching Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. The arrangement started when the first manga was still in its beginning times of creation. WWAXing PoetiX: Looking Back on Dawn of X, Ayize Jama-Everett and John Jennings Unpack Their Box of Bones, REVIEW: Marauders #17: Storm Packs a Powerful Punch. They are two separate, parallel stories. What do I watch after Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood? Yes, you should watch it. I watched Brotherhood after seeing that it was supposedly the superior, and it was indeed pretty great, but there's always those that prefer the original. That being said, I have since read the Manga and am probably going to take a stab at Brotherhood again. Unfortunately, there’s one exception to this: Brotherhood goes through the training the boys went through with Izumi Curtis much earlier than the 2003 anime. If you do not find the exact resolution you are looking for, then go for a native or higher resolution. In this world, it should be possible that as long as the ingredients are there, anything can be made (or “transmuted”). I think that training is really important to their relationship with their teacher, and because it’s shown so late, is somewhat lacking in the original anime. The original Fullmetal Alchemist anime from 2003 was released concurrently with the manga, and, like all series that do this, caught up with … Should I Watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood? Update: Don’t get me wrong, the original was a decent watch, but Brotherhood had way too many problems: * The CGI felt very out-of-place with the rest of the animation. Along the way, however, they’re caught up in their country’s politics, uncovering a vein of corruption that goes deep into the system; they also run into strange artificial humans called homunculi, who inform them that the brothers are more than just humans romping around in the world. If you end up really liking it Alchemist might be a decent curiosity to see how they handled some things differently. Update: Two years later and FMA:B is still my favorite anime and I am currently getting my younger brother to watch it. And just a few a hours ago I finished the movie that took place after the main series. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood has a way of tugging at the viewers' emotions. Alchemists, and especially the Elrics, espouse equivalent exchange as almost a religious principle, while in Brotherhood, it’s just bound to scientific laws. Brotherhood is a true, faithful adaptation of the manga unlike the first. You’ll still understand everything no problem if you only watch Brotherhood, but I recommend watching 2003 first to gain a full context and appreciation for the remake. Best to watch both. Honestly, it's significantly better than the original series because the original series went in it's own direction when it caught up to the manga (when Greed showed up). It's an amazing series. Imagine that Amestris, the land where Fullmetal Alchemist takes place, is linked to our world. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood not only remained faithful to the manga from beginning to end, but also had the added bonus of ending just a few weeks after the manga ran its final chapter in 2010. But if you are willing to watch both, then definitely go with FMA first, and then watch Brotherhood a few months later. Should i watch fullmetal alchemist or skip to brotherhood. ), Some speculate that the producers of Brotherhood expected that most people had already seen the 2003 anime, and so didn’t bother with some of the episodic one-offs that establish the Elrics’ reputation. But if you are willing to watch both, then definitely go with FMA first, and then watch Brotherhood a few months later. Fullmetal Alchemist is the story of Ed and Al trying to get their bodies back by looking for the mysterious Philosopher’s Stone, an alchemical reagent that allows you to bypass equivalent exchange. Should I watch Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood only. In Brotherhood, the only complex homunculus was Greed, who was tied intimately into the plot with Ling. This is a split board - You can return to the Split List for other boards. So I was watching the original Fullmetal Alchemist series for the past two weeks. Many also prefer Brotherhood to the 2003 anime. What are the goals of the homunculi? You don't even need to watch Fullmetal Alchemist at all to watch Brotherhood. Which in itself is sad to see a great anime like Fullmetal Alchemist end. If you want to watch it once you've watched the original story, then you should because it's also good. In … Also, FMA Brotherhood is way way better than FMA is what I have heard. Posted by 8 months ago. (A warning, though: The voice actors that are different—key ones, like Dr. Marcoh and Scar—are totally disconcerting. The original Fullmetal Alchemist anime from 2003 was released concurrently with the manga, and, like all series that do this, caught up with the issues before it was finished. It is accepted to be nearer to the manga and follows the first occasions of the manga. Ed definitely comes off as far more immature in the 2003 series, but watching him freak out over his height never gets old for me. I would just stop watching the first series because Brotherhood is seriously that much better. Not needing a transmutation circle is just an added benefit. Archived. !” Every time. The story is, in a sense, tighter, without bringing in the complicated Father backstory, but on the other hand, not as rich. 0. Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood, or FMAB, is the second adjustment of the first FMA anime arrangement yet is increasingly dedicated to the first manga. Currently I'm watching Inuyasha, and I'm planning to watch Fullmetal Alchemist next. Really get into this series show was made before the manga anyone else that somehow everyone knows the of! And HD pictures sourced from all websites in the 2003 anime, due to the and... In Brotherhood—there ’ s practical is one of the manga and am probably going to take a stab at again... 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should i watch fullmetal alchemist after brotherhood