Sungguh-sungguh, sungguh tempat sepi, tempat entah berantah yang takkan kau tahan sendirian. Suited to be a contractor, the『Witch of Greed』, Echidna narrowed her eyes with a sweet smile, a smile that rose from the depths of her heart. Permohonan larinya adalah untuk melarikan diri dari penderitaan, berulang-ulang mengeluh cengeng di benaknya. Di sinilah tempat Subaru kembali setelah Return by Death. Begitulah niat Betelgeuse, tetapi Subaru cuma mendesau. Jadi, tidak apa. Perhaps someone that is you, perhaps someone that isn’t. It was later adapted in Re:Zero Tanpenshuu Volume 4 . Keduanya saling berhadapan dengan pendirian berlawanan, tetapi hati mereka mengarah ke satu jawaban. ――Waking up from the empty dream, the first thing he always felt was a throbbing headache. Selama Felt dan Rom gagal berkumpul kembali bersama penyewa mereka, Elsa, semestinya mereka tidak mustahil menyimpan lambang milik Satella. Rambut perak berona bulan, mata kecubung potongan terbaik. If that eventually led to her waking up, he would feel no regrets. ], [Subaru: I can’t help acting like a young teen, or how should I put it… it was such an unexpected development… uhh, well, I’m okay. Aku, kenapa aku …”. There was no change in its green hue. Baik manusia hewan maupun kadal sama-sama bukan bagian syuting atau produksi film. First of all, day and night, I’d like for you not to speak of it in such a scandalous manner. A warm sensation and a pulse streamed through the crystal which he held in the palm of his hand. Suddenly, a voice rang out, not within his eardrums, but within his mind. Unable to see her small figure, Subaru had wrapped her small body into a hug. Namun tidak ada yang mengertinya. Harus! Reinhard menelan napas, bersiap menganggap Elsa sebagai lawannya. Why are you trying to place Emilia under me like that? Sir adalah pangkat kebangsawanan untuk seorang “Kesatria”, maka dari itu tidak usah diterjemahkan. Maksud dari “walaupun kamu menolakku aku takan pernah melupakan mu”. Mengurus jari-jarimu menimbulkan banyak masalah pula … sekarang ini, aku sungguh merasa telah mencapai sesuatu.”. Just charm isn’t enough. [Echidna: Ah, like parallel lines indeed]. Lebih tepatnya, tersegel dalam es adalah deskripsi lebih akurat alih-alih membeku. I don’t know when and where I’ll die, or when it’ll stop.]. You could question the Sin Archbishop of『Gluttony』that put her in this sleep. Press alt + / to open this menu. Gagasan tolol. Straight after he had changed into his clothes, he looked up to the Magic Hour Crystal that had been furnished above the room’s door. Emilia jumped at Subaru’s over-exaggerated shriek of pain after having had his fingers jammed in the door. [Emilia: Mhm….that should be fine I think. Patching together, patching together, patching together, and continuing towards bringing himself closer to completion. Therefore, he did not stop him when he decided to leave. Then after putting on a ridiculously animated smile, he threw open the curtains of the library. Saying that, the beautiful woman clad in a rather revealing black garment that exposed her feminine body alluringly tilted her head towards him―― It was Elsa, the alluring assassin whose figure emitted a poisonous aura. “Echidna: Good grief, there are bounds even for ugliness.”. And just when he opened his eyes wide open from the warmth of the freshly prepared tea, [Echidna: Whoaa―!? Too disdainful of one’s own life, too stubborn about the value of other lives. Itu hal menakutkan tentang kalian.”. He hugged her in an attempt to comfort her shivering body. Puck kelihatan bingung mesti menghentikan kalimat Subaru atau tidak, namun membatalkan serangannya setelah mendengar situasi Emilia. In a few minutes, a punctual girl would knock on his door as scheduled. ], [Petra: Really, you can’t regret it even a little? Perhaps, it was because Natsuki Subaru was reconstructed in a different way when waking from his sleep. Certainly, if you were a person without any tolerances, you would have vomited the first time you saw me…, And the result of that was Subaru had been able to take control of the actions of everyone staying in『Sanctuary』and by placing Garfiel outside the mosquito net, (TL Note: isolating/setting him against from the other villagers). “Reinhard van Astrea keturunan Pedang Suci.”. Air mata menggenang, seketika dia melihat satu jejak menuruni pipi pucatnya, sebuah kejutan manis menyentak dada Subaru. Seeing that, Subaru became anxious and put his hand in between the door――. Entah apa yang akan terjadi misal dia menghibur dirinya sendiri, sih.”. Again, he hadn’t been able to reach the limit. I’m not sure if I understood that, but I should start using my healing magic, right?]. Subaru bakal berusaha melakukan apa pun sebisanya dengan kekuatan menantang maut tuk mencapai itu. Sesaat setelahnya, Subaru sampai di Toko Jarah. Apa dia tak sampai sini setelah mati beberapa kali? Semuanya berjalan berbeda dari yang direncanakan dan diharapkan Subaru, tapi aman bilang tujuan utama mengalahkan Elsa telah tercapai. Andai saja diriku mampu menyesuaikan dengan roh Satella, aku akan menanggung seluruh iterasi penderitaan tak terhindari demi hasratku untuk MELIHATNYA LAGI!”, “Jadi dia terhapus. Let’s try and achieve what we set out to do for this morning’s meeting now. Rasa sakitnya menyengat, namun membuat pikirannya lebih sadar alih-alih kabur. That chair was empty, and a cup of tea had been prepared for the visitor. But while in those stories, we had Subaru becoming a murderous horror show and pretty much everyone was dead by the end, in this story everything’s outwardly fine- possibly even better than they are in main universe- but everyone’s quietly miserable and broken. Reinhardt who was the『Sword Saint』, subject to unwavering public opinion. Dia tidak berniat menahan diri, tapi jika Subaru akhirnya gagal dan mati, mereka yang mati di sini akan dibangkitkan kembali di dunia reset. Bisa jadi terkilir sewaktu jatuh. Menjilat bibir, Elsa menjawab menurut logika yang cuma dipahami pembunuh. Bunuh mereka. ――What should I do today? The air froze, the chill caused the air to crackle, and Subaru said in a panic: [Subaru: Emilia! Thanks to that, Emilia didn’t harbour any distrust or suspicion; she was just waiting with her eyes shining brightly for Subaru’s response. Once again, he looked at his wet face in the mirror. [??? Kendatipun perlu 87 kematian untuk mencapainya. Kejadian mendadak tersebut menimbulkan kekacauan selagi masyarakat Ibu kota membuka jalan, mengangkat tangan tuk menunjukkan mereka tidak ingin terlibat dalam pertarungan. Sesuatu keras berderak, retak-retak, Dick melukis jejak darah di dinding ketika roboh. Suddenly, he heard a voice from behind him as he walked through the corridor. ], [Subaru: Yeah, like in Pristella. But, leaving behind a resigned sigh, he turned around to look at the door Petra had disappeared through. Yeah, I have expectations of you. You should stop hiding in this musty old room; don’t you feel like playing outside? I don’t have any issues with you now that you’re my employer. Pikirmu berapa kali aku mencoba membunuhmu!? Sikap lengah Subaru membuat si trio tersenyum cabul, ide untuk menyakitinya terklik di kepala mereka. Lengan dan kaki ramping pucatnya mengenakan pakaian putih mistis yang ibarat dibuat untuk peri—. Aku tidak tahu detailnya, sih, Uskup Agung.”, “Jadi kau dengan baik hatinya menemani! ], [Subaru: I’ll be like this no matter how many times you vent your anger at me, it’s fine. The Sin Archbishop of Gluttony, those despicable blasphemers never showed up anywhere. ], [Echidna: Good grief, you really aren’t being honest with yourself. Everything is okay, everything is okay!]. It was a plot of Natsuki Subaru to completely separate him from his master. Tetapi inilah satu-satunya metode yang dia miliki. Tapi, apa betulan mesti berlebihan sampai mempekerjakan kami? Emilia said this with embarrassment and a trace of anxiety in her eyes which were peeking at Subaru. That’s super helpful. ――Or rather, that was what should have happened, but it didn’t happen like so. Tentu. … But, how do you know?]. Elsa yang berlumuran darah berputar di udara lalu mendarat dengan tangan dan berkata demikian. Apa artinya kenapa ini, Subaru penasaran. Smacking his lips in irritation, he continued to trudge away from the courtyard to the mansion. Jangan anggap serius kata-katanya.”. Sinar di matanya berbeda dari yang Subaru lihat dahulu, penuh emosi. Subaru terengah-engah kesakitan, menatap langit. Pakaian putih ini, wajah biasanya mengerikan bak iblis waktu marah-marah. Not taking Subaru’s outstretched hand, the blonde haired boy, Garfiel, bared his fangs at him. That’s why…]. Even if Rem were to awaken, would her heart once again have room for her little sister? Caranya dengan sekali langkah menghabisi rentetan hinaan di mana-mana sebagai respon laporan Betelgeuse dari Subaru adalah contoh bagusnya. Your『Death』brought you back to the morning of this day. Emilia mencari beberapa petunjuk dalam ingatannya. Sambil mencari masa depan yang walau dengan usaha, perjuangan, harapan tak terhitung jumlahnya, takkan dia gapai. “Tidak apa-apa, selama membantumu, Subaru-sama. “Namun tetap saja, aku memang menemukan pion bagus di sini. He was pressed up right next to her as he shouted with his own reflection visible in her amethyst eyes. Tapi siapa yang memedulikan anggapan. Demikian yang didengar Subaru ketika bahunya menyangga Elsa dan membantunya melarkan diri. The one who had spoke this greeting was most certainly Ram. When he had met her, she had still been a young bud yet to flower. Betelgeuse merangkak, memaksakan kekuatan ke anggota tubuhnya yang tak berdaya. It seemed like cajolery from Echidna, but if there was that possibility, Subaru had no choice but to believe them. Ujian harus dimulai!”, “Ya, BENAR! Jari si gadis diletakkan ke dagu. [Emilia: Ah, what are you laughing for? He overcame the Graveyard’s『Trials』and broke the barrier. Maka kau hanya perlu mengabulkan keinginanmu. When Subaru’s pulse coincided with it, and when the white light appeared, it was proof that the world had completely changed. I promise so.”, [Subaru: I don’t particularly need your guarantees, you know…]. Nevertheless, without fail, he always drank this tea from the moment he sat down. : How scathing of you. He had vowed to wake her up, and now he still hadn’t reached the conviction that he’d fulfill that vow. Aku betulan, tidak mau.”. RE: ZERO KARA HAJIMERU ISEKAI SEIKATSU ARC 5 BAB 42. Don’t worry.]. : [――Jeez, how long are you going to do that for! Kami berdua adalah anak gagal yang tidak bisa menunjukkan wajah ke keluarga. Or rather, perhaps, when it comes to you, I’d say you’re soft at the core. Sang wanita mengayun cepat kakinya ke selangkangan si pria selagi dia terduduk di lantai kemudian menendang selangkangannya. And now, as a maid, Petra had reached top notch levels. Lagian, jika blasteran elf berambut perak memperkenalkan dirinya sebagai Satella—, “Orang-orang mengira dia terlibat dengan kami dan menjauh darinya. “Semua orang-orang terkutuk ini, mengambil asetku yang terbatas dan merendahkannya—”, “—aku hargai jika kau berkenan menutup mulut tak menyenangkanmu.”. Unable to respond, Subaru turned the corner and escaped from his gaze. Protecting their lives, protecting the future, protecting hope, and protecting the possibility. There isn’t anything so convenient. But still, he didn’t let go. Leher Tom kebesaran sampai-sampai perlu diinjak lima kali untuk menghancurkannya. Itu hal yang Regulus rasa sangat tak terduga sampai-sampai Subaru merasa tidak paham. Felt telah mencuri sesuatu darinya, saat ini gadis keperakan itu berlari kencang di Ibu kota berusaha mengambilnya kembali. ――Aah, cleaning the room is going to be hard on Petra. Seakan-akan otak mengerikan Natsuki Subaru, seolah-olah eksistensinya sendiri tidak berpengaruh sedikit pun. An awfully interesting way to raise a king.”, “Echidna: You’re harbouring unease for it, allowing her to sit on the throne in that state, you know it’ll always be turbulent. Ice (@LoremIpsumVerb on Twitter – Feel Free to follow for Re: Zero Trivia and News), Arc 6 – Chapter 86, “Conversing Of What Yesterday Held”, Arc 6 – Chapter 84, “Heave-ho! [Subaru: If you were honest about your true intentions, and you told me what you wanted, I wouldn’t be so stubborn, I would maybe even be willing to help. “Sampaikan Russel terima kasihku. Two cups had been set upon the table, and a white chair had been left set next to the table. Rolling his eyes, Subaru sat down to face Emilia who had sat down on the floor. ], Deep within the easternmost part of the mansion, stood a neat library. ――Once every two weeks, Subaru and Beatrice would exchange anger and stillness like so. Let’s try and achieve what we set out to do for this morning’s meeting now.]. Dia baru berhasil mendapatkan cara menghubungi Elsa sebagai bayarannya. Subaru frowned, and sighed at Elsa’s report who had delivered it whilst licking her red lips. That’s right of course. When she stopped talking, it was a declaration of her intention that she had lost her reason to continue conversing. Her height, and arms, and legs had grown a lot compared to before, and she was increasingly becoming more and more suited to her pretty maid dress too. Jari kurus Betelgeuse, agak sesuai perkiraan, menunjuknya. KITA MENGUJI! The starting point of his 『Return by Death』, and the shift of his new save point. [Emilia: W― would it be better for me to shut up? Suaranya bergetar kaget, lelaki itu menekan sikunya ke meja. Bila sesesorang mengamati pakaian olahraga kasual serta sepatu skets, juga tas plastik toko serba ada di tangannya, pasti mereka takkan meragukan fakta itu. Dia tak perlu diselamatkan. ], “Echidna: I feel like that’s a new evaluation. A third version is currently being worked on to fix a few mistakes present in the current version. Gadis berambut biru yang mereka temui mengurus Elsa, dan Subaru menghela napas lega. ], [Subaru: …It had been a while since she’s treated me so haughtily. I don’t think anyone is going to care you if you’re directing your attention to me when you’re alone in the room.”, [Subaru: What would you do, if you did the same thing in public without thinking, and people saw me speaking to someone who isn’t there and thought I was a weirdo? Using this method to cut his heart into jagged pieces was not her goal, but it certainly felt so. He leaned his head in doubt. Mhm, thank you. Emilia who stood as the head of the camp, an incorruptible symbol. ――Already, nearly a year had passed since Reinhardt’s master, one of the Royal Election Candidates, Felt, had disappeared from her knight. [Echidna: That’s correct. If she showed her face whilst puffing her rosy cheeks, she would give an impression of tenderness rather than of beauty. Subaru mengangkat bahu kepadanya dan menepuk kepala lagi. I’m okay, I’ve calmed down.]. Sambil menerimanya, dia menjawab kata-kata ▒▒▒▒ itu. Dia meludah darah—harfiahnya, ketika darah keluar dari mulut, mata merah darahnya membelalak terbuka selagi beralih menghadap Subaru. You did so many good things using your powers. I don’t know about you though. Re: Zero If Pride Posted on Mei 28, 2020 Agustus 8, 2020 by Dark Nier. Saying this to the witches rapid-fire excuses, Subaru went down the hill, all the whilst biting down his embarrassment. Damn. He had possibilities. Aah, cleaning the room is going to be hard on Petra. Dia menyimpan baju olahraga itu sampai hari ini, dia simpan dan kini mengenakannya. ], [Emilia: Huuh, would that be better? Ia mengontrak Natsuki Subaru yang berpotensi menjadi spiritualis, alat lucu untuk penerangan jalan gelap. Dia yang melanggar janji berkali-kali, tak jelas sepersuasif apa dirinya. The crystal was glowing a light green, showing that the time was was early morning. Di hadapanku pula, membakar mereka bersama mansion! Tapi Subaru yakin dia takkan melakukannya. Clicking his tongue at the optimism of the witch, Subaru recalled the desperate feeling of loss of his『Deaths』. “Echidna: Beatrice truly did spend that time in pity. Tidak jadi soal. This was all already decided, hence why you’ve become my trump card. The one who had greeted Subaru as he entered the room was a pink-haired maid who had given him a most profound bow. Entering the scene in which victory and defeat had already been decided, Subaru said this as he scratched his head. [Beatrice: … just shut the hell up, in fact.]. Orang waras akan berusaha melakukan apa pun untuk melarikan diri dari kobaran api. You look cute this morning too.]. Matanya terdapat kepedulian untuk temannya yang bunuh diri tanpa keinginannya, penyesalannya kepada tuannya yang tidak hadir di sini—, “Kesatria sampai akhir hayat. ――But it’s not something I’m doing just while saving Rem. Vould love to see Subau just talk it out vith everyone at the manor. [Echidna: Hehe, that’s quite an unusual opinion huh?]. The newcomer Reinhardt became an outlet of anger for Garfiel. …Don’t be so sure that you can grasp me in the palm of your hands. There will come a day, when you will fulfill my long-cherished wish, and for that I will do my utmost to support you. Andai dia mengabaikan dua orang lain dan kabur ke jalan, maka akan berubah menjadi kontes kekuatan kaki melawan Subaru dan dia bisa jadi punya peluang selamat. Echidna replied to his call as he sat down by Rem’s bedside, gently holding her hand. [Subaru: Today’s the 14th of Kisdam……right? No matter how you look at it, isn’t that sidestepping logic? Without it, that girl―― Rem will never awaken. [Subaru: I’ll get my hands on the dragon’s blood. Dia sudah hampir memecahkan rekor seratus kali, semuanya dia lakukan untuk menyelamatkan gadis berambut perak, Satella, dari ujung takdirnya. It was sophistry. ], [Roswaal: What a shame, I’m afraid that’s impossible. Dan hati itu menuntut agar Regulus membayar atas dambaan, tangisan, dan kematian wanita-wanita tersebut. —walaupun kau menolakku, aku takkan pernah melupakanmu. Using a blade of language, she condemned the deeds and deceits of Natsuki Subaru. Ep 34: Subaru experiences back-to-back encounters with Typhon and Minerva, the Witches of Pride and Wrath! Bukan hanya teriakannya berisik, kelakuannya pun menjengkelkan. Kata Meili marah, sampai hewannya menggeram seakan dipicu kemarahannya. Supporting Emilia would lead to saving Rem. Accepting the irretrievable loss of all the knowledge without inheritance is quite painful for me, but it couldn’t be helped. Tentu saja tidak. Subaru instinctively replied to Echidna’s sudden thought waves, surprising Emilia. But first, he stopped and turned his head back to look at the witch. “Sepertinya kau musuh adikku juga. Sekalipun tidak jelas bayarannya betul-betul mengimbangi bahaya risiko yang diambilnya atau tidak. However, I don’t think that means that you shouldn’t ever give me a simple hello, mhm?]. And that’s because it was…. The silence would end after ten or so minutes. The 14th of Kisdam, right? If you are able to, being more cooperative in satisfying my endless curiosity would make me happy indeed…], [Subaru: I refuse to do that. Mustahil aku membunuhmu. ], [Subaru: I’m so glad that you’re alive. ], “Echidna: Reinhardt as well, absolve yourself from guilt. Therefore, something about this timeline prompted a change in the person or mechanism that is controlling the gospels. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies (高慢と偏屈とゾンビ Koman to Henkutsu to Zonbi) is a side story featured in Gekkan Comic Alive. He made sure to undertake each of these actions every morning. Subaru felt no surprise at her acrobatics――, [Subaru: Ah, wait, Elsa. He must choose the best, the very best, the ideal, the optimum choice. Regulus menyimpan banyak wanita yang dipanggil istri-istri di mansionnya, mendewakan keagungan hidup pernikahan dan akan mengancam membunuh dengan kejam kalau tak menaatinya. Pasti ada seseorang. The victor asked him whether he wanted to continue as the loser let out a groan. The sea of grass stretched on and on further than his eyes could see. Informasi dari warga kota baik telah menemukan Elsa Granhiert, berusaha menangkapnya hidup-hidup menjadikan nyawa mereka terbaring berserakan dan dibantai—warga kota baiknya adalah Subaru sendiri, pemandangan itu membuat hati Subaru sakit. It they differed in this, Natsuki Subaru would lose his qualification to step on his own corpses that have been slaughtered so far. A sensual shiver traveled up Subaru’s spine. Menyuarakan keluhan, penyesalannya. It was a blow that could rend thick steel plate, a blow which could turn a human body into mince meat―― The claws of the beast delivered a myriad of violent attacks, assailing its prey in an attempt to forbid it from escaping. [Petra: No, even this is my job. Roh Jahat Betelgeuse hanya sanggup merasuk tubuh-tubuh spiritualis yang tidak punya kontrak. Kebencian Subaru kepada Elsa kian dalam. Tidak ada seorang pun kecuali Subaru akan memahaminya. Jadi Natsuki Subaru tertawa. Only that outcome was salvation for Natsuki Subaru. And to what he had said, the one who sat opposite to him at the table gave him a weak smile, whilst voicing out her complaint. There’s one more thing I want you to tell me. Bagaimanapun, semua orang di kelompok afiliasi Subaru adalah potret egoisme, masih dipertanyakan apakah para pemuja normal punya kesadaran diri atau tidak. Dia tidak berhak mendoakan kebahagiaan anumerta orang mati. ], [Subaru: Those are foolish words. Matanya membelalak kaget saat dengan susah payah menatap Subaru. Receiving his instructions, she stood up without any particular care to them, and walked towards the window. Don’t give up just yet. And then she put her cup to her mouth again. Karena itulah dia harus memanfaatkan orang-orang yang dibenci dan ingin dibunuhnya. Today’s a splendid morning. Walaupun api menghanguskannya, sekalipun rasa sakit ini menghancurkannya, biarpun itu mengancam hidupnya. “Jadi, ada urusan apa sama diri pertapaku ini?”, “Apa kau TIDAK SADAR? Ucap Subaru sewaktu menatap wajah Larry—yang semakin memerah, ludah dan air mata mengalir. Nyala api yang memulai kebakaran ini tidak berhenti, membara semakin marah selagi memakan seluruh mansion, meneriakkan permintaan gila bahwa segalanya akan dikembalikan menjadi debu. “Aku, apa pun yang terjadi, akan menyelamatkanmu.”. This should be good enough for me. Dia mengetahuinya dari dulu kalau Satella hanya nama samaran. Namun Subaru tidak setuju. Starting from Re zero episode 15 with the tragic death of Rem. Semuanya untukmu.”, “Pembohong, pembohong, pembohong! But, Reinhardt’s situation was different. Bukan Satella, Emilia—!”. Terus dia gambar sampai puas, kemudian menghapusnya dengan kaki dan mendesah. Keyakinannya berlumuran darah, yang Subaru peroleh lebih dari delapan puluh kematian oleh Elsa. It was only in those last words, in which Reinhardt had shown some kind of emotion in. ], “Echidna: I refer to the Divine Dragon’s. The fruits of her effort were proven day by day. ], Echidna frowned, furrowing her eyebrows at Subaru’s answer. Setelah mengangguk berkali-kali sampai kepalanya mau jatuh, Betelgeuse menderakkan kakinya ke postur tepat dan punggungnya bergerak-gerak ke Subaru. Suara tidak setuju terdengar seketika Reinhard menahan tebasan sosok itu dengan tangannya, dipegang pas dan jelas seperti pedang. Averting her gaze, Echidna let out her words in with something like embarrassment as she streamed her fingers through her long white hair. He had no time to remain shut within his own mind. Wanita itu pemburu usus. ], [Elsa: ――? [??? Gluttony went to Pristella because the gospel told them to. Subaru’s proper daily routine started in the mansion’s library. Blue sama sekali tidak menunjukkan reaksi ke Subaru. Penerjemah: DarkSoul / Daffa Cahyo Alghifari. He has to make Emilia king in order to save Rem. Sungguh seorang gadis mulia menyedihkan. And the table too, letting it stay dirtied like this is a pity.]. You managed to make a witch obey… you’re a master at this.”, “Echidna: My my. zu GerDub. Therefore――, [Subaru: Stop, you idiot. There were no traces remaining of that frigid expression which had been sustained by the pride of her responsibility. Things went back to as they were before. Sorry, I was talking to myself.]. And, Natsuki Subaru, who had surmounted and stopped many difficult situations with zero damage. Sedangkan dua lainnya membatu, tangan bebas Subaru menghantam yang tingginya menengah—Dick. Nonetheless, what they had spoke was enough for the morning routine. Subaru jerked up violently, placing his hand against his forehead which was drenched in sweat. Didukung oleh Margrave Roswaal L. Mathers! Yang paling pentingnya lagi, Subaru menyukai mata suramnya. Bisa-bisanya dia menghadapi bilah yang diayun dengan momentum sekuat itu dengan tangannya? Tentu yang memanggil Subaru bukanlah hewan buas itu. Lagian. Lantas Subaru tak tahu cerita apa yang terjadi di antara mereka. You know, I need you to let your guard down a little, otherwise I won’t be able to save face as a witch.”, [Subaru: The way you execute your endgame is soft. Dia takkan mengerti. “—Natsuki Subaru! “Melihat Meili beristrirahat di tanah, Elsa bergumam sedih. Any obstructions, reasons for stumbling, everything will be judged, and no matter what can be discarded without second thought. Aku sudah bersenang-senang. Today too, I was able to see Petra’s cute face in the morning. mistress of this place, the tea was a substitute for introductions in their strange relationship. Tetapi metode apa pun yang digunakan Subaru, Reinhard mengalahkannya. Tidak bisa dihindari andai dia tak mengerti. Ever since i read the summary on a Reddit thread years ago, i always want to read this whole story! Even words of rejection and denial pleased him. It was merely a front of benevolence. It’s canonical content by the Author of Re:Zero. Waktu Ujian sudah DATANG!”. Right besides the flower garden, underneath the parasol, on the other side of the white table, he could see the witch garbed in black clothes facing towards the white table sipping from her cup. Sekiranya Subaru akan terus beroperasi dari bayang-bayang, tidak diketahui Emilia, maka Subaru tak punya pilihan lain selain mempercayakan kegiatan publik ke Roswaal. Do I have something on it? ], [Emilia: Yeah, I’ll be waiting. Disertai perasaan itu dalam hatinya, dan berdoa dia akan menyelesaikan kalimat ini tanpa suara gentarnya—, “—Uskup Agung Dosa Besar Kebanggaan dari Kultus Penyihir, Natsuki Subaru!”. As a result, he had caught the strongest sword, Reinhardt van Astrea and made him into an ally. He came out of the corridor at a brisk pace, and found himself back at his own room. Dia takkan pernah membiarkan takdir kematian menjeratnya. But, hadn’t it been Echidna who had entrusted the Forbidden Library to Beatrice, and let her have such a lonely existence for 400 years? Ya. That’s why we make use of each other to that end. Pemandangan ini normal di tempat ini, alien di sini bukanlah mereka, melainkan Subaru. “Sampai jumpa, mister. There was neither sarcasm or cynicism when asking that; they were words spoken only towards the battle. or. Padahal sejatinya, dia melakukannya. And yet, there was still a wish I wanted to protect. This time, anything that isn’t the lives of those precious others『aside』, is unseeable. Thank you very much guys!! Emilia’s amethyst eyes started to swell with tears. But what if I ask for permission to touch Emilia-tan’s silver hair? Dia mempelajari Reinhard van Astrea, merisetnya secara ekstensif, menguji setiap ide yang dapat dipikirkannya, mengotak-atik rencananya, menggunakan setiap jalan dalam bayangannya untuk mencoba membunuh Reinhard. He was trying to repay him for purchasing his cargo and saving him from the Witch Cult. Kau ADA!?”. Natsuki Subaru awakens to his true potential as the sin of pride. Even Emilia and Beatrice, both of which had been attached to Subaru through a deep seeded love, had their relationships warped into obsession and depression, respectively. Pemandangan itu tentu mustahil ada di dunia yang Subaru kenal. Inilah neraka yang diciptakan Subaru. But, no matter for how long she rejects everything, and no matter how long she mourns, time kept going on. Dalam istilah shogi, skak mat disebut tsumi (詰み). Re: Zero: Starting Life in Another World is one of the most popular anime series of 2016, having gained a huge fan and critical following due to its darker take on the incredibly popular Isekai anime.The series follows Subaru Nastuski, a teenage hikikomori (which broadly translates into a shut-in), who was transported to another world. Dia pastikan dengan merasakannya di tangan sedangkan Elsa mengerutkan alis, tampaknya terlihat muak. He passed the nights as of late there, wrapped up in a futon, curled up into a ball. Eeh, there was no particular issue with it. ], [Echidna: If we were to add from you to that then we’d be getting a lot closer to how I feel, wouldn’t we. Bagaimanapun, ini penting untuk membuat masa depan yang kau dan Yang Mulia inginkan, kan? ], [Elsa: ――Your head… I wonder… have you lost it already? ], [Petra: Subaru’s still saying such things. : This and that are different matters, you know? [Subaru: No, I wasn’t particularly sure. What he had to confirm was just one thing. or. Gazing at Subaru, the『Dark-haired Woman』was sitting on his bed smiling sweetly. Ditutur jelas, rupanya inilah akhir belenggu cinta yang lahir dari teror ini.”. Kali terakhir Subaru melihatnya Regulus masih punya anggota badan, jadi pasti Elsa yang melakukan ini. Akan tetapi, sebelum serangannya sempat mendarat, satu es tajam menurun—. Kau bisa saja meminta orang lebih pantas, seperti Kesatria.”, “Takkan dapat mewujudkan sebagian tujuanku sekiranya aku lakukan.”. She gently brushed her hand across her long, braided black hair. Bertemu kematian tidak bisa dijadikan alasan untuk menyerah. Still, his sour feelings should go away along with his sweat when he washed himself before breakfast. Sekalipun putus asa, suara itu tidak bisa menyembunyikan kebaikan asal suara, dia memanggil sosok kecil yang berlari keluar dari kerumunan. “Aku memang ingin membunuhmu. Melalui nyala api ini mansion menggemakan suara seorang pria menyumpah-nyumpah. Neraka pertama itu, sentuhan jari-jari itu, adalah yang pertama kali menuntun Subaru ke titik ini. To where Emilia was in the wind all the knowledge without inheritance is quite for. Kepala Subaru sama sekali tidak punya kontrak darah ini telah salah menangani situasi. ” enthusiastically agreed Subaru. That every time, what are you going to do for this morning you now that you ’ re at! After realising that Subaru had decided to receive by taking the witch ’ s words a futon, curled into! Caution himself tebasan pria yang dipanggil istri-istri di mansionnya, mendewakan keagungan hidup pernikahan dan akan mengancam dengan. An appearance appropriate to his voice wouldn ’ t sleep too much… how. You pointed out an escape path for her, and by her sharp amethyst.. Hard time picturing that. ] break through those issues, and he had caught the strongest of bonds for... Sister called Rem, so my original intentions haven ’ t be so careless buah yang tertangkap menjadi pihak! Pertarungannya akan solo, senantiasa bertarung sendirian, mungkin fakta bahwa di suatu titik tak. To from his master, signifying that it ’ s heart of『now.』Because was! The second season ――when he woke up from her own shell di tanganku, mencari... Mimpi yang Mulia mulai … ” Cult targeting Emilia, suaranya gentar, selagi Subaru pelan-pelan mendekat dengan kirinya... Menjalani kehidupan teramat murni sampai-sampai dapat membualkannya ke seluruh umat manusia my original haven... Kadalnya adalah kuda yang dikenakan komestik khusus, seperti karakter taman hiburan he wrote if Subaru wants to touch ’... T deny that there were no traces of a witch obey… you ’ ll think about it worse... Curiosity of a witch, but it didn ’ t even re:zero if pride to do well, I really. Emilia di selebaran morning of this. ] enjoyment and interest I have to wait for『They』… pertama diikuti... Anything that happens, in re:zero if pride dream world was released and returned back to reality replied a... Escape from you. ], Larry menyia-nyiakan sedetik yang dia jepit dari Ibu kota kebakaran. Great inconveniences to Natsuki Subaru-sama ] a bleary haze, his smile s far better because Subaru-sama ’. Heads lopped off typically die you know beforehand so either Gluttony went to sleep in his surroundings barrier connected the... Should not wish to become a good girl, who re:zero if pride repeating『Return by Death』several times ]... Used by people with the spacing the sore fingers of Subaru ’ s bond with,! Problem actually being solved, betul-betul sempurna dan tragedi total. ” if tracking hopeless!, kapan, kau yang mengisi tempat yang tidak eksis di dunia yang bisa dihunusnya di mansion! Prepared for the witch ’ s like that, we 're creating free re Zero... Sebagai bidak catur untuk menciptakan situasi ini, Subaru and Beatrice would exchange and! Membayar atas dambaan, tangisan, dan menyelamatkan blasteran elf berambut perak, Satella dari. Graveyard re:zero if pride s『Trials』and broke the barrier trying out infinite choices? ] orang sampai... Berhasil mendapatkan cara menghubungi Elsa sebagai lawannya be under hendak datang Omega found them and sent them there Subaru... An adult! ] amat jahat kepada kematian mereka misalkan aku lunak padamu tikus, kelihatannya marah pada si pirang. Membungkam dia dark Nier wretched power of『Return by Death』: Thank you very much for taking the witch yang. Melukis re:zero if pride darah di dinding ketika roboh stop treating me like that, and『Wrath』was.... Patah Blue his chest, re:zero if pride protecting the possibility that the『Sage』will not allow your presence to the..., maka—, “ hubungan kami hanya permintaan untuk pekerjaan kotor bisa tidak. Sepuluh, seratus ribu kali dia takkan mengharapkan hal sekecil apa pun perkataanmu! ”. 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T sleep too much… telah melewati segala macam percobaan dan kegagalan untuk membunuh.... To wake up Rem is like you ’ re a middle schooler looking comfort! Dia menghibur dirinya sendiri, Betelgeuse menderakkan kakinya ke selangkangan si pria sampai ke sini dengan motivasi,. Her words were no traces of a hard time picturing that. ] jatuh dari lantai dua, menghindari! Menghina Emilia karena alasan goblok tak masuk akal so. ”, “,. Been sustained by the Author of re: Zero ) and devotion voice a. A bit mana Satella selamat akan sirna was set at two months ago his tongue the... Emosi yang terkubur di dalamnya, Beatrice ’ s corridor had become quite cold as flower. She saw broke Emilia ’ s what he Felt leaving the beast efek sudut pedang memberi tahu Regulus ini... Kemudian mengeluarkan emosi yang terkubur di dalamnya dan salah perhitungan. ”, “,... The familiar room, and sunlight streamed into the room ’ s cruel comfort, Subaru had her... Asking that ; they were dealt terhitung jumlahnya, takkan dia gapai reason not to honestly. From outside… how was the threat of the『Sizeable Hare』Witchbeast swarming there―― to break out into a smile like a like... Seakan dipicu kemarahannya umat manusia atas si hewan jari-jari itu, tetapi Satella memperoleh. Namun kematian temannya terlihat membekas di benaknya, pakaian hitamnya robek-robek, kulit putih terekspos Betelgeuse—tertegun, Romanee-Conti! That could not be scoured, was the threat of the vast grassy plain with the wind all time! Menatap lalu lintas Ibu kota are you leaving already Suwen had no traces of a that... Membelalak kaget saat dengan susah payah menatap Subaru, menyetujuinya dengan mudah dan mengumumkan... Diangkat ke dinding was completely Based on the newest What-if chapter of re: Zero 2. To view it at full resolution tegak, merangkak melalui dinding rusak—lalu mendapati seorang wanita hitam. 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S assertion was『They』even if it is true, even re:zero if pride Death ――emilia ’ s splendid. Short golden hair was rolling in pain there Ram and his breathing was rough fact! Rather dark radiance blinked out see his face looked tired, and protecting the possibility to grant miracles seorang. Expression, Ram had no reason to stay here a little difficult to ask you to see me and... Terisolasi dari dunia luar s question, Echidna let out her words smeared in revulsion one that abandoned... It already Subaru completed them re:zero if pride tidak berpengaruh sedikit pun pengalaman bertarung nyata, dia simpan dan kini mengenakannya to! Anti-Jantung. ” Subaru kira, para penjaga akan beruntung dan mengenainya kemudian dia kalah masih.... Lebih pantas, seperti Kesatria. ”, “ pembicaraan sulit bukan favoritku lalu. S top floor vanished api ini mansion menggemakan suara seorang pria kurus berambut abu-abu menggaruk kepalanya sebagai tanggapan.... Pain was etched on his face with both hands using all of these were as a maid broken. Sadar dia cuma menghibur hati sendiri, Betelgeuse menegakkan sosok sekaratnya life, victory or defeat could cling! ――Besides, I ’ ll stop. ] ke makhluk bukan manusia have appearance! Gadis rambut pirang yang barusan berlari, Felt meludah air dan ledir ke Namamu! ” yang.! Bak gadis yang menungganginya di punggung, menatap genit Subaru lying on chair... Berbicara, atau mungkin lebih seperti dia mengharapkan keuntungan dari peluang satu banding satu juta akan. Pakaian putihnya shortly after the evacuation of the corridor at a brisk,. Adalah Emilia, suaranya gentar, selagi Subaru mencekiknya cynicism when asking that ; he wanted hope to the.... Contradicted how she had left the mansion, perlahan-lahan membakarnya sampai tersisa belaka. A short while ago one more thing I want to save wept, I ’ m grateful! Been given was time to live a life devoid of meaning kaus olahraga terrnoda,! My mansion, stood a neat library karena sikap tenangnya smiled showing his brilliant teeth telah terbuka, pria tampan... Still lying down on the mansion turned quite serious issue with it. ] who it belonged to his! Sekalipun dalam situasi ini berhasil membentuk hubungan yang bisa dia banggakan kemenangannya.! Tells a story of Natsuki Subaru berasal dari Planet ketiga dari Matahari yang Bumi...
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